English title: Architectural analysis, 3D modeling, and filmic narration: an original gaze on a few Le Corbusier's objects
Contribution to the Le Corbusier, 50 years later International Congress, Universitat Politècnica de Valencia, Valencia, November 2015.
To analyze Le Corbusier's work through 3D digital modeling constitutes an important issue for the dissemination of the legacy of this major architect. During an analytical process, a relevant use of contemporary graphic means associated to an understanding of the codes of architectural representation allows to reveal new issues, or new points of view. When linking the graphic production of such process to film narrative and to the codes of documentary film, one obtain singular documents: short-movies based on computer generated images that support an analytical and critical thought, but also present projects under a new visual expression; didactic and descriptive. Those documents become particularly interesting when it comes to highlighting obscure architectural heritage, or to give body to projects remained on paper. With the support of the Fondation Le Corbusier, some Master architecture students investigated Belgian projects of the work of Le Corbusier, from which only two were built and no more than one remains. Through precise methodological issues, this paper accounts for the knowledge that such productions can offer on sometimes less-known architectural objects from the Swiss master.
Projects form the following students are featured in this article: Tom Pariente, Jérémy Moreau, Marine Serrette, Quoc Anh Bach, Correntin Werrie, Benoit Capel, Jonathan Van Saet, Geoffrey Minne.
In addition to the lecture and paper, AlICe lab contribution to the event was also the presentation of two physical models as well as four 3D short films of Le Corbusier unbuilt Belgian projects. Those documents were showcased in the exhibition adjacent to the Congress.
Short films:
The Canneel House (1929), by Tom Pariente & Jérémy Moreau
The French Pavilion for the Liège Water Exhibition (1939), by Marinne Serrette
Urban design for the Antwerp left bank (1933), by Elena Miralles & Safia Alvarez
Unlimited Growth Museum (1939), by Julien de Muynck & Alexandre Leytens
The Canneel House (1929), model built by Corentin Werrie
The French Pavilion for the Liège Water Exhibition (1939), model built by Marine Serette)