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Re-presentation as an analytical tool in Baroque Architecture

Author(s): Myriem Saoud

Supervisor: David Lo Buglio

Ongoing, funded by the ASP-FNRS


The research aims to analyze the influence of drawing methods on Italian Baroque architecture. More specifically, the project seeks to investigate the cause, i.e. drawings from that era, to understand its effects on Baroque's spatial configurations and forms. This analysis is carried out through redrawing the representations from a corpus of buildings of that period. The proliferation and virtuosity of projective techniques that emerged during the Baroque era allowed for the development of singular architectures that were directly impacted by the use of projective tools. This particular characteristic of the Baroque justifies our interest in its analysis through its own tools.
Our initial postulate understands that a reasoned use of specific modes of representation induces spatialities resulting from their modes of projection.

This research has two objectives. First, it investigates a methodology based on the practice of architectural drawing as a new knowledge producing tool. Secondly, it proposes a new reading of a corpus of buildings from the history of Baroque architecture by the tools of the architect, a research in history by the making that we define here as the act of redrawing .

To meet these ambitions, the analysis focuses on three case studies with the aim of capturing, through drawing, the links between the canonical projections used in the design process and compositional logics, geometric lines, drawing scales and instruments. These methodological keys are essential design elements for the architectural project. Making use of them through the reproduction of representations would render the use of re-drawing as a heuristic device for research in art history through architecture possible.