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Formal Analysis and Computer Process - Medley I/II
Jean-Nicolas-Louis Durand’s Clockwork
Le squelette de la Maison du Peuple : hypothèse de restitution 3D
Espaces de processus/Espaces d'analyse. Description graphique de mécanismes géométriques compositionnels et représentationnels. Los Angeles dans les années 1980 : morceaux choisis
Jean Prouvé - 3D short movies
Caractérisation de formes architecturales. Une approche expérimentale intégrant complexité et intelligibilité des représentations numériques
Study and Rendition of Jean-Baptiste Hourlier's projection drawings
Architectural Analysis & Computer Process IV
Morphosis Drawings and Models in the Mid 1980s: Graphic Description of Graphic Thinking
Architectural Analysis & Computer Process III
Architecture « résolument » numérique : Paradigm Shift vs. paradigme albertien ?
Immeuble Bessonneau à Casablanca - Hypothèse de restitution de l’état originel
Reduce to Understand: a Challenge for Analysis and Three-dimensional Documentation of Architecture
Analyse architecturale, modélisation 3D et narration filmique : un regard original sur quelques objets corbuséens
Jean-Nicolas-Louis Durand - Representation as Instrument
Architectural Analysis & Computer Process II
Education in Architectural Analysis through Hybrid Graphic Means: a Setup for Critical Thinking
Architectural Analysis & Computer Process I
Aménagement du Hall des Beaux-Arts par Lucien-Jacques Baucher
[x] Baucher-Blondel-Filiponne - 3D short movies
La complexité inhérente aux modèles numériques et le paradigme de la représentation architecturale - Brèves considérations sur les pratiques contemporaines
Jacques Dupuis & Albert Bontridder - 3D short movies
Photomodélisation de la Maison de Verre de Paul-Amaury Michel
Van Buuren House Orthophotographic Survey
Al Taybeh 3D Photogrammetric Survey
Architectural analysis and relevance of digital representation techniques - An educational experiment
Peter Eisenman's Houses I to X
EXPLORER: A Procedural Modeler Based on Architectural Knowledge
POV-Ray: architectural analysis and computer rendering

Baucher-Blondel-Filiponne - 3D short movies

Author(s): Denis Derycke, Michel Lefèvre, Maurizio Cohen, David Lo Buglio

Teaching Unit ARCH-P444 - Master 1 & 2
Teachers: Denis Derycke, Michel Lefèvre, Maurizio Cohen
Invited teachers: Irène Amanti Lund
Guest: Lucien-Jacques Baucher

Between 1997 and 2017, the laboratory proposedd to Master students an exercise that involved analyzing an architectural object and then translating this analysis into a short film using 3D imagery. This work aimed to develop two key skills: first, the ability to "read" architecture, and second, the capacity to construct, structure, and effectively communicate a precise message through a specific medium (enhanced 3D images, video clips, music, voice-overs, etc.).

In 2012-2013, students analyzed projects by the Belgian architect trio Lucien-Jacques Baucher, Jean-Pierre Blondel, and Odette Filippone, with access to their archives. The project was also supervised by Maurizio Cohen and Irène Lund, authors of a publication on the trio titled “Baucher-Blondel-Filiponne: 3 Modernist Architects” published by the Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles and the Faculty of Architecture La Cambre-Horta in 2012. Lucien-Jacques Baucher himself was directly involved in overseeing the students work.

The exercise followed this structure:

  1. Analysis: Students present drawings, diagrams, and texts in which they analyze various aspects of the chosen architectural object (formal, structural, environmental, etc.).
  2. Synopsis: Based on the criteria developed during the analysis, students outline a scenario.
  3. Storyboard: Students translate their scenario into a sequence of drawings depicting camera angles, movements, and other visual elements for the future film.
  4. Modeling: Students constructe a three-dimensional model of the studied architectural object using software such as Blender or 3DS Max.
  5. Editing: Using the storyboard as a guide, students calculate animated sequences from the 3D model. They then arrange these sequences on an virtual editing bench, incorporating photos, music, voice-over commentary, and other media to enrich the film.

Below, we highlight some particularly accomplished productions. These works, which must be considered within the context of the technical possibilities available during their creation, skillfully combine a sharp analytical reading of the studied object with a relevant use of representation methods. Additionally, they feature a narrative structure that effectively communicates the message in a fluid manner, resulting in evident cinematic quality in the work.

Featured projects:

Baucher-Blondel-Filiponne - Pavillon Marie Thumas (1958)
Mathias Cohendet

Baucher-Blondel-Filippone - Centre d'information De Brouckère (1958)
David Teboul

Baucher-Blondel-Filippone - Villa Blondel (1956)
Omar Essaadouni