Supervisor: David Lo Buglio
Submitted in September 2019
English title: (Hi)stories of representation, the influence of three historical periods on contemporary representations of architecture
Throughout the history of architecture, representation processes have been codified, leading to unique spatialities that result from their techniques. Considering the possibility of approaching European architecture history through the understanding of its representation techniques led to expanding the hypothesis to the contemporary period. The thesis aimed to apprehend the spatial implications of different contemporary representation techniques. These, coupled with their historical origins, made it possible to understand the influence of the history of the discipline on contemporary practices. The analysis focused on three significant representation processes, allowing the study to be grouped under three themes related to three historical periods. The first focused on anamorphosis, referring to the Baroque era. The second studied the emancipation of drawing through paper architecture, echoing the architects of the Enlightenment. Finally, the last part analyzed the resurgence of the practice of collage and its spatial implications, linking it to Dadaism and modernism. The three parts made it possible to account for the diversity of spatial implications of representation. Anamorphosis, both in the Baroque era and today, highlights the generating value of geometric traces in architecture. Paper architectures, ranging from the Enlightenment to contemporary projects, made it possible to consider architecture as the art of creating buildings, whether it be building or representing them. Finally, the study of digital and manual collages demonstrates the possibility of designing new spaces through the ordering of existing fragments.