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Filters : David Lo Buglio[x]
Beyond the narrative: a workflow for 3D restitution of built heritage
Architectural Analysis, Survey and Documentation of Built Heritage
Survey and characterisation of the archaeological landscape of Lovo
Stoclet 1911 - Restitution
Stoclet 1911 - Hypothesis
TV Show: 3D Digitization and Built Heritage Preservation
Architectural Analysis, Survey and Documentation of Built Heritage
From projection to building and vice versa
Anthropic Units in Baroque Architecture, the Gallery of the Palazzo Spada and the Roman Palm
Crossed Experimentations of Low-Altitude Surveys For The Detection Of Buried Structures
Towards a multi-scale semantic characterization of the built heritage
Jeu d’échelles / échelles du jeu
Architectural Analysis, Survey and Documentation of Built Heritage
Exploitation des numérisations pour l'analyse urbaine en contexte archéologique
Architectural Analysis, Survey and Documentation of Built Heritage
[x] Relecture de vocabulaires d’architecture : apport de la complexité des représentations numériques dans la caractérisation de formes architecturales
Jean Prouvé - 3D short movies
Caractérisation de formes architecturales. Une approche expérimentale intégrant complexité et intelligibilité des représentations numériques
Study and Rendition of Jean-Baptiste Hourlier's projection drawings
Reduce to Understand: a Challenge for Analysis and Three-dimensional Documentation of Architecture
Education in Architectural Analysis through Hybrid Graphic Means: a Setup for Critical Thinking
Baucher-Blondel-Filiponne - 3D short movies
Jacques Dupuis & Albert Bontridder - 3D short movies
Van Buuren House Orthophotographic Survey
Al Taybeh 3D Photogrammetric Survey

Relecture de vocabulaires d’architecture : apport de la complexité des représentations numériques dans la caractérisation de formes architecturales

Author(s): David Lo Buglio

Full title:

Relecture de vocabulaires d’architecture : apport de la complexité des représentations numériques dans la caractérisation de formes architecturales

Full title (en) :

Rereading architectural vocabularies: the contribution of the complexity of digital representations in the characterisation of architectural forms

Contribution to In Situ, Imagerie numérique et patrimoine culturel : enjeux scientifiques et opérationnels, 39 | 2019:

Abstract :

By articulating terminology, functional logics and geometrical logics, the semantics of an element can be considered as an architectural concept. In many ways, architectural semantics is one of the foundations of architectural theory, essential for understanding stylistic evolutions in time and space. At the crossroads of architectural theory, art history and even survey practices, architectural vocabularies offer efforts to provide semantic standardisation that might be revisited today, in the light of recent scientific advances in the field of the built heritage. This article aims to reconcile the cognitive issues specific to the semantic study of architectural elements and the exploitation of big data resulting from building digitisations. It is necessary to compare the geometrical characterisation of a corpus of elements (resulting from the examination of the geometrical similarities shared by this corpus) with the description given by four architectural vocabularies. The challenge is to observe the encounters, but also the points of tension between a semantics proposed by the history of art and a semantics resulting from fine geometrical observations. By highlighting the contradictions between the vocabularies themselves and the geometric model, this article discusses the contribution of methods of analysis coming from computer graphics for the development of architectural knowledge.

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