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Filters : David Lo Buglio[x]
Architectural Analysis, Survey and Documentation of Built Heritage
Survey and characterisation of the archaeological landscape of Lovo
Stoclet 1911 - Restitution
Stoclet 1911 - Hypothesis
TV Show: 3D Digitization and Built Heritage Preservation
Architectural Analysis, Survey and Documentation of Built Heritage
From projection to building and vice versa
Anthropic Units in Baroque Architecture, the Gallery of the Palazzo Spada and the Roman Palm
Crossed Experimentations of Low-Altitude Surveys For The Detection Of Buried Structures
Towards a multi-scale semantic characterization of the built heritage
Jeu d’échelles / échelles du jeu
Architectural Analysis, Survey and Documentation of Built Heritage
Exploitation des numérisations pour l'analyse urbaine en contexte archéologique
Architectural Analysis, Survey and Documentation of Built Heritage
Relecture de vocabulaires d’architecture : apport de la complexité des représentations numériques dans la caractérisation de formes architecturales
Jean Prouvé - 3D short movies
Caractérisation de formes architecturales. Une approche expérimentale intégrant complexité et intelligibilité des représentations numériques
[x] Study and Rendition of Jean-Baptiste Hourlier's projection drawings
Reduce to Understand: a Challenge for Analysis and Three-dimensional Documentation of Architecture
Education in Architectural Analysis through Hybrid Graphic Means: a Setup for Critical Thinking
Baucher-Blondel-Filiponne - 3D short movies
Jacques Dupuis & Albert Bontridder - 3D short movies
Van Buuren House Orthophotographic Survey
Al Taybeh 3D Photogrammetric Survey

Study and Rendition of Jean-Baptiste Hourlier's projection drawings

Author(s): David Lo Buglio, Tom Pariente, Denis Derycke, Livio De Luca

Full title:

A look at the role of projections in the study of drawings of Jean-Baptiste Hourlier


Collaboration with the French Academy of Architecture & the MAP (UMR 3495 CNRS/MCC)


Lo Buglio, D., Pariente, T., Derycke D. & De Luca, L. (2016). Un regard sur le rôle des projections dans l'évolution des méthodes de représentation de l'architecture: Premières pistes pour l'étude des dessins de Jean-Baptiste Hourlier. La figuration de la Cité. Paris : Académie d’Architecture française


A number of drawings by the architect Jean-Baptiste Hourlier were presented at the ‘Figurations de la Cité’ exhibition held at the Académie d'Architecture de France in November 2016. These drawings, of exceptional format, constitute the architect's third-year ‘envoi de Rome’, when he was a resident at the Villa Médicis. In addition to the quality of their execution, the various documents, produced around 1930, offer a hypothesis for the reconstruction of the city of Siena in the 14th century. This astonishing set of projections shows a vision of the city as it might have appeared several centuries ago. The graphic corpus is made up of four documents: an elevation of the Piazza del Campo, an overall plan of the city of Siena, a second detailed plan of the city of Siena in the 14th century and finally a particularly intriguing aerial view.

While his proposal brings together a reading of reality (that of the early twentieth century, at the time of the survey) with a morphological analysis of the town in the Middle Ages, there remains a sensitive part of the city whose depth is difficult to estimate. This observation marks the starting point for a methodological exploration of these documents. Based on the graphic analysis of the corpus, the aim is to draw up a few implicit lines of thought on the contribution of projections to architectural representation.

In order to assess the distance the architect may have taken and to understand the place given to projections in the graphic narrative, it is useful to begin by considering the spatialization of the documents. The idea is to use an analysis of the projective coherence of Hourlier's drawings to create a three-dimensional model of his hypothesis. By comparing this 3D model with the geometric representation of the current state of the town of Siena, it is possible to estimate, or even quantify, the differences at three levels: topographical, morphological (at least for the buildings still standing today) and semantic. In addition to the avenues that this approach opens up for the study of Hourlier's work, it could also be of interest in examining the evolution of figurative methods.

Comparison between the model obtained from a photogrammetric survey and the model produced from Hourlier's drawings.

3D model based on Hourlier hypothesis drawings (Restitution of the town of Siena in the 14th century)